Supervising PhD post on importance of supervisors being kind to PGRs

Photo shows hands, notebooks, and communication devices on a cafe table, indicating a work meeting over coffee.

Photo by Alejandro Escamilla on Unsplash

I have written a short blog for Supervising PGRs on the challenges of supervising PhD researchers during the pandemic. The key takeaway is the need for supervisors to be kind, supportive and responsive to PGRs during a time in which we are all experiencing stress and anxiety. Many thanks to Kay Guccione  for the opportunity. Please do check out her other work on mentoring, which i have found incredibly helpful in the past.

The post can be read here

BBC Radio Suffolk interview


Yesterday I was interviewed byJames Hazell on BBC Radio Suffolk about the recent Reuters Digital News Report showing that Instagram is a key news source for young people We spoke about a range of issues, including the problem of misinformation on social media and the context collapse that people experience using online platforms. Many thanks to James and the team for the opportunity.

The interview can be accessed here

Photo by Lisa Fotios on

Article on photojournalism published on LSE American Politics and Policy blog


Delighted to publish a blogpost with addressing the recent police attacks on photojournalists during the Black Lives Matter protests in the US. Based on a study of Greek photojournalists conducted with Anastasia Veneti and Darren Lilleker (Bournemouth University), we assess the implications of these attacks for press freedom in the US. The post can be read here

Post on social media sousveillance

Screenshot 2020-06-08 at 12.12.11


I have written a post for Human: Putting the Social into Science on the social media sousveillance footage recorded during the Black Lives Matter protests across the world. I argue that although this footage may not guarantee the conviction of the officers responsible caught on camera attacking protesters, it clearly provides a focal point for the broad coalition of protesters mobilised in anger at the police killing of George Floyd. Thanks to Laura Lightfinch, Sophie Armour and Victoria Wood for their help with this. The piece can be read here

BBC News Arabic media appearance

Screenshot 2020-06-07 at 16.23.25

Yesterday I was interviewed on the BBC Arabic news channel about the letter written to Facebook by scientists funded by the Chan-Zuckerberg Initiativein protest at the platform’s refusal to remove tweets from US President Donald Trump. Many thanks to George, Marwa and the BBC Arabic team for the invitation. A recording of the interview can be found here