New chapter on social media and paramilitary style assaults in Northern Ireland published with Faith Gordon

Pleased to report that Faith Gordon and I have had our chapter ‘Digital weapons in a post-conflict society’ published in ‘Anti-Social Media,’ a volume edited by John Mair, Richard Tait and Tor Clark.

A copy of our chapter can be downloaded here

Presenting paper on Information Disorder in Northern Ireland at ICS Symposium

This weekend I will be attending Locked out of Social Platforms: An ICS Symposium on Challenges to Studying Disinformation, at the IT University in Copenhagen, Denmark. Keynote speakers include Axel Bruns, Alice Marwick, Linda Dencik and Katrin Weller.

I will be presenting a paper entitled ‘Information Disorder in a deeply divided society: social media and contentious politics in Northern Ireland.’ It explores the continuities between the ‘propaganda war’ during the Troubles and the ways in which mis and disinformation circulates today through social media platforms. I will also discuss the media diets of citizens in the deeply divided society in order to explore resilience towards types of information disorder.

The programme for the symposium (which looks great!) can be found here