CascEff – update on project

I am currently a Work Package leader for a project funded by the EU FP7 programme. The project involves 11 partners from across Europe and focuses on the cascading effects that emerge from crisis situations.

1) Leicester work packages

My two tasks will focus on the communication strategies adopted by incident managers and first responders, with a specific emphasis on how social media is deployed in such situations to provide accurate, real-time information to the public. I look forward to working with Xavier Criel and Safety Centre Europe on this project, which is due to finish in December 2015. Further information on the Leicester-based Research Associate who will assist me on the project will be published in a press release next month.

2) CascEff Website launched

Further information on CascEff can be found on the project website:Screen Shot 2014-06-28 at 09.47.21

3) CascEff on Twitter

CascEff is now on Twitter – please follow the official Twitter account for updates on the project.

About the Project:

CascEff – “Modelling of dependencies and cascading effects for emergency management in crisis situations” is performed and funded under the Seventh Framework Programme (FP7) of the European Union (SEC-2013.4.1-2).

Infographic report on using online resources to support postgraduate dissertation students

I have created an infographic summarising the key findings from my first University of Leicester Teaching Enhancement Fund project (Reilly, 2012), which focused on blended learning approaches towards postgraduate dissertation student supervision.

The report can also be accessed here:

For further information on the project, please download the full report here