Social Media and Politics Podcast on Protests and Demonstrations in Northern Ireland

Delighted to have spoken to Michael Bossetta (University of Copenhagen) for the latest Social Media and Politics Podcast 

In a wide-ranging discussion, we discussed my ongoing work on social media, parades and protests in Northern Ireland, case studies such as the union flag protests and the Ardoyne parade dispute and Brexit. Many thanks to Michael for inviting me on and for his insightful questions. If you haven’t checked it out already, I would thoroughly recommend the Podcast series for anyone interested in Digital Politics.

The podcast on Protests and Demonstrations in Northern Ireland can be found here




Democratic Audit piece on social media and paramilitary-style assaults published

Dr Faith Gordon (Monash University) and I have published an essay on the role of social media in combatting paramilitary-style assaults in Northern Ireland. In the piece, we draw on the work of the Stop Attacks Forum and Ending the Harm to explore how social media can raise awareness of these incidents. This is part of an ongoing project that Faith and I are working on – more details to come soon!

The post can be read here