Doc Media Centre newsroom on Higher Education

On 20 November, the Doc Media Centre hosted a newsroom on the future of Higher Education after COVID-19.

Our first guest was Dr. Dawne Irving-Bell (Edge Hill University), founder of the National Teaching Repository. We spoke about Dawne’s inspiration for the NTR, how universities have been transformed by the pandemic, and the future of open educational resources. We also plugged the forthcoming inaugural edition of the Journal of Social Media for Learning, which Dawne will be launching next month.

Interview with John Coster and Dr. Dawne Irving-Bell, 18 November 2020

Our next guest was Professor Richard Hall (De Montfort University), who reflected on how universities have responded to COVID-19, the impact of neoliberal managerialism on the mental health and wellbeing of staff, the hidden cost of academic labour, and the future of Higher Education post-pandemic. We also discussed Richard’s forthcoming book The Hopeless University (to be published in 2021 by Mayfly Press). The full conversation can be viewed here

In conversation with John Coster and Prof. Richard Hall, 20 November 2020

Many thanks to Dawne and Richard for speaking to us. These were two very inspirational ‘in conversations’ that gave John and I a lot of food for thought. We look forward to having you both back at the DMC soon πŸ™‚

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